Albie Knows Interior Design + Content Creation

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88 of Your Most Purchased Items Last Year In 2022

For as long as I've been doing this interiors content creation thing - from e-design to the subscription box to blogging... all of it - one constant has always remained: shopping. I've always been about the shopping. In the past year, I've gotten a chance to share my shopping exploits with affiliate marketing in new & exciting ways beyond just here on the blog... IG Stories, Amazon Live Streaming, Pinterest Idea Pins, LTK... etc. I remember when my most exciting shopping resource was links in the YouTube description box or sending out my shopping newsletter. Now because of all these new platforms & ways to share, I began paying more attention - and intention - to the recommendations I would be making as a creator, and with that, watching how they perform, in addition to how much I earn. 

Yes, earn. 

In case you're new to this world of mine... affiliate marketing, in summary, means I earn a commission anytime someone clicks one of my links & makes a purchase. I've likely shared thousands of affiliate links, just in 2022 alone - decor, furnishings, fashion, organization... even food! If it's part of my lifestyle and/or I believe it could be useful to you, I share... you click... you shop... I earn. That last bit used to be the only metric I would check... my actual commission earnings. Despite knowing the importance/significance of other KPIs - clicks, conversion, average order value... just like we did in retail merchandising - I've just never had the bandwidth to really analyze anything beyond what would be landing in my bank account. 

Why should you care about any of this?

Great question... so glad you asked. Last year, I found myself looking at my top performing links... products. Every now & again, I would look at this information outta sheer curiosity, especially when I notice a spike in commissions, yet this time I was so fascinated by the links you guys had been clicking & shopping the most. What was most fascinating to me were the items that were purchased that I didn't directly link to... related, maybe... just not a direct link. I would envision the purchase journey for the links & this exercise would help me better plan my content & our shared shopping journey.

A few months ago, I began sharing weekly and/or monthly edits of what you've been clicking & shopping... similar to my monthly Amazon favs series from 2021. Now that we're in a new year, I decided to look back at the entire 2022 year of shopping. 

Wanna know what everyone's been buying?

See this content in the original post

Some of these are items I personally own & have shared throughout the year. Some are items I have been coveting & haven't purchased yet or don't actually need. Others are items that I've made as general recommendations of items based on reviews & such. And then there's the items that y'all found on ya own through another link in the same category. A quick scan of everything & you can see that everything is very on brand for me & mine - tech, coffee, organization, house clothes... a little bit of everything that makes me me. There's even a mini crib, a hold over from when I talked all about the benefits of mini cribs & did a review of our mini crib, the DaVinci Alpha Mini Rocking Crib

Naturally, I share a lot of things that are directly related to my lifestyle, and by default, that's what y'all buy. As an interiors influencer, I also share A LOT of housewares - furnishings, decor, appliances, etc. I share the items from my reveals + product round ups across categories. And guess what - not a whole lotta furniture or decor pieces were among the most frequently shopped items. That isn't to say y'all don't shop those recommendations... they're just not as frequent.

I drilled down to see what else was purchased within these categories - too much to share! 

It was also fascinating to see the rotation of items within a certain family of items. For example, one of the most popular items is my Cricut Joy Machine, which makes perfect sense since I've shared it in a ton of different ways across different platforms, including having a dedicated list to Cricut related supplies. The machine remains a constant fav, yet throughout the year, other items related to it that y'all are always changing - sometimes it's the Cricut Joy pens... sometimes it's the Cricut Joy travel tote... sometimes it's insert cards... sometimes it's a whole other Cricut machine altogether. Point being... the Cricut & its things are always popular... and this is just one example. 

Some of the most popular links weren't even products... some were shopping destinations - Target DealsH&M HomeShutterfly PrintsThe Container StoreEtsy, and The Happy Planner

Being more observant of these "trends" and shopping habits also goes towards answering a question I was recently asked: what's next for Albie Knows in 2023? Short answer: I don't know. In 2022 I debuted The Meridian Experience Weekend & shared very little as it relates to design content. TBH...I remember skipping over the holiday season - no dedicated holiday content... no gift guides... and that's because nearly all of my content is basically one big gift guide... like my Amazon Storefront. I have a treasure trove of shopping content on the blog + shopping inspiration boards across home & lifestyle categories. 

Albie Knows, in many ways, is a shopping guide.

See this content in the original post

Noticing, deciphering, and understanding patterns in people's behavior really fascinates me; and, to some extent, it makes me a better creator. We're basically one big happy shopping family. Knowing that in 2023, I'd be planning the 2nd M.E. Weekend, taking on fewer brand collaborations, and working full time, I began to think about what I do best that also serves you.

Top of that list is the shopping. 

On my LTK feed, alongside other shopping shares, I began sharing weekly/monthly shopping edits -basically a summary of the shopping trends I noticed... YOUR top picks completely based on YOUR clicks & purchases. I may even be bring back my monthly Amazon Favorites series... all of which ultimately contributes to your must clicked, shopped, and purchased items of the year across Amazon + other retailers.

After going through my 2022 affiliate marketing analytics, I can't say any of the top 88 clicks & purchases surprised me; and if anything, they actually affirmed that ya'll are my people for reals lol. Do you recognize any of these as items you clicked on, browsed, and/or purchased in 2022? Did any of em surprise you? What do you predict we'll be buying in 2023?

See this gallery in the original post