Albie Knows Interior Design + Content Creation

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To E-Design or Not To E-Design

I want to preface this by saying that with the current state of things, this is something that has been on my mind a lot. Currently, while doing our best to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of states (and countries) are under stay-at-home orders. This means that a number of us (here in Washington, we are one of those states) are home, either because our businesses are closed or we’re working from home...indefinitely. 

Now if you’ve been following me for some time over on Instagram, then you know that last year I made the decision to no longer offer design services. I won’t rehash the who/what/when/where/why behind my decision but the short version is that it’s something that I had to do. Fast forward to where we are today when so many of you are now home for much longer than you’ve probably ever been and questions started trickling into my inbox asking whether or not I would start offering e-design services once again. 


I considered it…

Consultations. Design Services. Organization Help. 

I could do it all virtually and especially now when so many of you are seeing your homes with fresh eyes and free time...aka the perfect combination for an e-design client. But, while I did consider it, I also had to consider a few other things…

  1. Why did I stop offering services in the first place?

  2. Is this the best way I could serve you during these trying times?

While fielding your questions, I also saw that many of my friends and colleagues were also extending their expertise and skills into the virtual space, which made me feel all the more compelled to put my e-designer hat back on. FOMO maybe? I deeply appreciate that you guys asked -- thanks for thinking of me! -- and definitely want to be there for as many of you as I can, I have to be honest with myself. After much thought, I know I can’t jump back into the ring just for the sake of being “helpful” because to be truly helpful, I would need to be at my best and truth be told, I wouldn’t be. Juggling work and motherhood is already a doing so during a stay-at-home order would not leave me too many mental calories to take on virtual projects. 

I am fully aware that not all of you have prioritized home projects during this time -- you’re worried about childcare, the security of your job, and/or your health and the health of your loved me, I get it 1000% -- but I’d be remiss if I didn’t say I am pleased as punch that there are so many of you that are seizing this opportunity to finally tackle your home in ways that you weren’t able to before. Being confined to your home indefinitely will certainly shine a light on the things you like, love, and hate about your home! 

Now you have the motivation and the time, but you still need the help…

My Book

Last year I published my first book, Curate The Home You’re In: Effortlessly Create Your Everyday Dreamscape, and I wanted it to be a resource for inspiration and aspiration. The book is currently still available for purchase on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. If you’re sitting around the house, not necessarily looking to take on a full design project and, instead, you just want some insight on small changes you can start to make towards creating your dreamscape… grab a copy of my book.

My Blog

When I decided to step away from client work, that also came with deciding to open up a bit more on the blog and I’ve been blogging a lot more these days -- and not because I have more time! I’ve been able to share a lot of the inspiration that I hadn’t been able to before -- from retail therapy to a peek into how I’m coping -- so my hope is that the blog becomes a destination where you can feel like I get you… because chances are I do!

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My Templates & Podcast

Mindful that many of you that follow me are fellow and/or aspiring designpreneurs, I know that this is a time when you may need some help with resources to serve your audience. On the podcast I have very specific episodes on e-design, as well as guest episodes from more seasoned designers that are currently (and successfully) pivoting during this time.

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As part of The Design Influence, you can also shop my design templates, which include a myriad of documents that can help you get started as you secure new virtual projects of your own — welcome to my world!

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Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest

See this Instagram gallery in the original post

Granted of the three platforms, I spend the most time on Instagram, but across the board anytime I am feeling inspired and/or inspired to share, I take to my socials. Creating content that inspires you guys to love your homes makes my actual heart smile -- whether it’s a time lapse of me cleaning, a demo of installing removable wallpaper, or just gushing over my latest online obsessions. Stepping away from interior design entrepreneurship full-time has given me the bandwidth to be a lil bit more “Albie” so often times you can find me on my Instagram stories doing a car chat or sharing a workout routine, while also doing my best to keep you inspired to just take it all one day at a time. 

Dealing with a global pandemic” is not something I ever thought I’d have to say in my lifetime yet here we are... that’s the current reality, and with this new reality, we’ve all have to make uncomfortable changes and pray unexpected prayers. 

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