Albie Knows Interior Design + Content Creation

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Amazon Favorites: January 2021

I remember when I first started on YouTube, I used to love watching lifestyle & beauty influencers share their favorites & their empties. I even tried to do a few myself — I won’t link em directly because my older videos make me cringe but you’re welcome to browse on your own.

There's something about reminiscing over what I've bought & how it made me feel... and now I wanna share that feeling with you. 

So here's the sitch...

Towards the end of the year and ringing in the new year, I did a lot of shopping -- most of it home related, all of it awesome. As you know, we'd already been shopping for things that, as renters, we never had or needed. As we continue to shop -- because I am under no delusions that our shopping will stop any time soon -- there are things we buy out of necessity, and other things we (mostly I) buy out of the need for retail therapy... because who am I kidding.

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With there being so much, still, that we need throughout the house, there's actually no rhyme or reason to much of what January favorites were -- it more of a "buy as we go" kind of system. That said, it should also come as no surprise that Amazon has been our go to -- large catalog, fast shipping...with the latter being the most important because what's an impulse buy without the instant satisfaction?!

Considering how much work we have left to do -- actually projects and just typical home making -- I look forward to sharing my monthly favs. As I shop, you can do some shopping too

See this gallery in the original post