Shop With Me: First Time Homeowner Purchases (So Far)


I'm a shopper — like heavy! — but I'm reasonable in my shopping. There are a lot of things I've seen and/or coveted over the years that I never purchased because they didn't fit my life as a renter. I didn't need em so I didn't get em... plain and simple.

But now... it's a whole different type of situation. 

I'm a homeowner... a whole homeowner!

Not to say I'm just out here buying all the things but now the way I shop has changed — the priorities have changed. Moving always brings on it's own shopping needs but moving into a home that we own has completely upended my shopping habits, bringing on new kinds of purchases.

So what have been my first, seemingly random — but necessary — purchases as a homeowner?

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Quick Shop My Buys

Knowing we were purchasing a home and that we were going to be moving, there are some items we took advantage of their Prime Day deals but everything else we've gotten as we go we need them.

My favorite, first-time purchases thus far have been the ones I've never considered before having a home — gardening and home improvement tools. These purchases truly represent the start of a whole new chapter... a while new season in our lives. We're not responsible for our home... no landlord to turn to. We're now in charge of any projects we take on... no one's permission to ask. It's all on us, for better or for worse, and so many of these purchases cement our newfound autonomy — from the pressure washer to the smoke detector.

We've had purchases that are purely luxuries — must be nice buys — like upgrading to a king size bed and getting a new robovac.

A few purchases land in the middle — necessary luxuries if you will — like getting our daughter an official big girl bad or a smart garage door opener.

Pacing ourselves has been the name of the game but with every passing day, we find ourselves uncovering something else we need/want. Being able to prioritize and exercise discernment I know is going to be critical in the coming weeks and months as we continue to get settled in... then again, who knows how long it'll be to "settle in" but what we do that this is our and we can move however fast or slow we want.

We're making progress and that's what I have to keep in mind. 

How about you? How fast or slow are you to shop after a move? Did your shopping shopping change when you bought a house? I'd love to know what you bought (or recommend I buy) so lemme know!

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