We're Going On Summer Vacation!

Albie Knows' Summer Vacation

It is actually summer!!! O-M-freaking-G!!! I honestly can say, I don’t know where this year has gone. I really feel like if I blink too long, I’ll miss a whole week! Not that I’m complaining, but the first half of this year has been one hell of a ride!

It’s my very first summer as a west coast resident & I must say I do not miss the humid, sticky summers of NYC. Yuck & good riddance! #sorrynotsorry.

We’ve had some cool days, some warm days, and yes, some gray & rainy days; BUT, they’ve all been comfortable days! Like walk 6 miles & just think kind of comfortable. And when time permits, that’s what I’ve been doing – walking. It’s on one of these walks I had the aha 💡 moment that being an entrepreneur & someone who’s growing a brand, doesn’t mean I have to burn myself out all year round. So Albie Knows is going on summer vacay! 

I’m not just closing the doors & walking away – that’s crazy talk! But it means that I’m going to take the summer to fine tune some of the things I’ve been working on my end, and not necessarily being all up in your face on your end. Decor Discovery will still be taking subscriptions & churning out awesome boxes every two months; the resource library & decor blog are both stacked with some awesome content to download and/or read; and our most recent bit of awesomeness – the newly launched quiz. Yes! The Albie knows Interior Design Style Quiz! You’re welcome! 

Sometimes, to get where you need to be, you have to just stop & see where you actually are. And that’s what my summer vacation is – taking a moment to stop & enjoy all of the awesomeness that we’ve already, and get recharged for the awesomeness to come. Even though I won’t be taking on any new design projects for the summer, I will also be offering 30 min design therapy consultations down the line... if you can get actual therapy from the comforts of your computer & phone, why not design therapy?!

So, while you’re subscribing, downloading, reading, and quizzing, I’ll be over here, enjoying the weather & my family, and nurturing all of my ideas for the fall; but I hope you take some time this summer to also do what makes your heart flutter & to just love your space & design your life. 

XO Albie