Spring Coffee Corner Refresh


Spring Is In The Air!!

And I am here for all of it because while I've ALWAYS been a big fan of Spring, something about it this year is almost contagious -- all I want to do is go for walks, lighten up my decor, and immerse myself in all things Spring related. 

Being that my coffee corner is a HUGE part of my days, naturally, it was going to get a Sring makeover! Using a bit of what I got from my previous shopping hauls, I took to transitioning my coffee corner into the new season!

My coffee corner/beverage bar requires certain basic elements:

Coffee Maker

I'm a Keurig girl, through & through! Even when I don't have pods, I can always use my refillable Keurig pod to get my caffeine fix. 


While the mugs at my station may not always be the ones I use on a regular basis, I love having some on hand, just in case. 

Saucer Plates

A new addition to my coffee corner, I don't know what took me so long to do this! I almost never have coffee (or hot chocolate or tea) without something to nibble; and with that, I always need a plate!

Albie Knows Spring Coffee Corner Basics

Straws & Stirrers

So I don't like to drink from the mug directly. I don't know when this started but I just feel way more put together drinking my hot bevvy thru a drink straw.

And while most times, my straw is my stirrer, depending on what I'm drinking & how I'm making it, I like to get really fancy and use a separate drink stirrer to set up my drink. 

Coffee & Sugar

Duh & duh! And with this cute storage is a must at my station, including my lazy susan and glass jars.

The final touched to my coffee corner come in with decor, be it hanging artwork, a kitchen towel, or a litany of other decorative options. For the spring, I wanted items that were colorful & springy but not too overpowering.