Posts tagged jomo
Self Care Essentials: Let's Normalize House Clothes

Personally, I have always had, no less, than a drawer full of house clothes — not pajamas, not work out clothes, but actual pieces of clothing solely for wearing around the house. It was usually old t-shirts, sweatpants, and shorts collected from school p.e. or family trips. I remember when I found out that not everyone wore “house clothes” and I was very confused… "So like y’all are either in pajamas or just what y’all wear outside?! What kinda 90s sitcom life is this?!"

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Shop With Me: How To JOMO?

What is JOMO? It's the JOY of missing out.

Instead of burdening yourself by worrying about what you could be missing by not being at all the places, with all the people, doing all the things, you take pleasure in having personal time. You can experience JOMO but not attending social events (aka not people'ing) or by simply unplugging, which these days, is a vacation all in itself.

Here are 28 essentials that I think are perfect for getting your JOMO on.

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