Grove Collaborative: What's In My Cart?


Two years ago I made my very first Grove Collaborative purchase and I have to say, not entirely sure what to expect from a household subscription service. I was intrigued by the idea that I could get cleaning products for our home, especially now that my daughter was way more active and I was now full-time working from home. With spring cleaning around the corner, it was as good a time as any to try Grove Collaborative and two years later I still turn to them for many, if now all, of our household cleaning essentials. 

With the current state of everything right now — as of writing this, we are in the throws of a global pandemic (COVID-19) and Washington state is under a “stay-at-home-order” — cleanliness has become of the utmost importance. Having a Grove Collaborative subscription has allowed me access to products that are sold out at most retailers, all from the comforts of my cellphone. 

So what’s in my COVID-19 Grove Collaborative shopping cart?

With everything that’s going on, everything that I’ve purchased isn’t always in stock but Grove Collaborative has done a great job at (1) maintaining their prices, (2) keeping things relatively avaialble, and (3) updating subscribers of any inventory changes. For example, I received an e-mail the moment some sanitizer became available and I was able to snag a large bottle, along with some other essentials for getting through a global pandemic. What are you shopping from to keep healthy, clean and hygienic during these unprecedented events?

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