Posts tagged design intensive
New Year's Resolutions For Your Home

With a new year always comes new year's resolutions -- all those personal things we want to accomplish over the next 365 days. But did you know that your home affects how you show up in the world? Think about it -- this is the place you eat, sleep, live...naturally how it looks & feels will carry over into how you look & feel. 

This is why I've decided to come up with 7 easy resolutions (translation: resolutions that you can actually keep) for your home, to not only help you love your space but also design your life for 2018. 

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October Favorites: 31 Things That Made Me Happy

🍁 Welcome to November! πŸ‚

I feel like I JUST did my September favorites and yet here I am already doing October. It's as though God sat on the remote, and is speed channel surfing. Not that I'm complaining, but I don't know that I've ever seen a year fly by the way 2017 has. 

No matter how fast it goes by though, I still found some time to stop and think about the things -- great or small -- that made me happy. 

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September Favorites in Design, Biz, and Motherhood

September was definitely filled with a lot of shifts in my professional, personal, and academic life -- I find myself really trying to focus on very intentional & specific launches; both my husband & I were now both in school again (I had the summer off, he didn't), so managing our time was a lot of trial & error; and just being back in school, although taking 1 less class than I usually do, really forced me to adjust the rest of my life to make sure nothing fell to the side of the road. 

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5 Steps To... Love Your Space

Most people have no problem celebrating love and milestones in their relationships... Valentine's Day and anniversaries get recognized, yet most of us don't give a first, second, or third thought to loving up our homes. Now, yes, we may decorate, but what are we really doing to show the place we live, rest, and spend our lives that same love we show to the people in our lives. Here are my 5 ways you can love your space every day. 

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August Favorites in Design, Biz, and Motherhood

Another month gone! It's funny how, as I evolve as a person, it manifests in all the different areas of my life. For example, I resolved not too long ago to go through life with a more grateful spirit, really taking stock of my blessings & victories, big & small. At the top of the year I'd even started a gratitude & happiness board (although I haven't kept up as I should) where at the end of each day, I'd write down on a post thought 1 thing that happened that day that made me happy or that I was thankful for -- everything from a new amazon package to a new client. I've decided to take it a step further, and now, at the end of every month, I'm going to share with you a round up of things that brought me happiness, clarity, and peace -- one for each day of the month -- in hopes that they'll do the same for you.


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8 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Decorating or Designing Your Space

If you're that design enthusiast who isn't afraid to tackle your own decorating and/or designing, I want to remind you that there are certain things you still want to keep top of mind before jumping head first into creating your "dreamscape". Here's a compilation of some questions you absolutely should ask yourself before ever tackling a decorating or design project...

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July Favorites in Design, Biz, and Motherhood

Another month gone! It's funny how, as I evolve as a person, it manifests in all the different areas of my life. For example, I resolved not too long ago to go through life with a more grateful spirit, really taking stock of my blessings & victories, big & small. At the top of the year I'd even started a gratitude & happiness board (although I haven't kept up as I should) where at the end of each day, I'd write down on a post thought 1 thing that happened that day that made me happy or that I was thankful for -- everything from a new amazon package to a new client. I've decided to take it a step further, and now, at the end of every month, I'm going to share with you a round up of things that brought me happiness, clariity, and peace -- one for each day of the month -- in hopes that they'll do the same for you.

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