New Year's Resolutions For Your Home



Happy new year!

With a new year always comes new year's resolutions — all those personal things we want to accomplish over the next 365 days. But did you know that your home affects how you show up in the world? Think about it — this is the place you eat, sleep, live...naturally how it looks & feels will carry over into how you look & feel. This is why I've decided to come up with 7 easy resolutions (translation: resolutions that you can actually keep) for your home, to not only help you love your space but also design your life for the year ahead. 

Drop The Weight

Start off the year with a clean slate by planning your space & thinking about how you want it to make you feel. Purge. Purge. Purge. Coming up with a plan will help you de-clutter & rid yourself of anything that doesn’t fit this plan, while also eliminating any undue stress & anxiety going into the new year. 

Get Out & Get Inspired

The outdoors are a great way your spirit & your space. The fresh air and sunshine will get you inspired & if you don't have an outdoor space, choose pieces for your home that feel like an extension of the outdoors. You can do this by investing in new window treatments — like what we have from my partners at DecorView — or by going plant shopping at your local nursery. If you don’t have an actual outdoor space you’re working with, both solutions will introduce the outdoors in a way that’ll make your home look good & you feel good. Tip: succulents and aloes are great low maintenance plants for the home! 

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone 

Neutral colors may be safe but they can also be/get boring and leave your home feeling fat & sterile if done incorrectly.. Don’t be afraid to make a statement! Pops of color — be it on your walls or in your accessories — can be just the breath of life your space needs; so whether you go bold with accent walls & large pieces, or take a more subtle approach with decorative accents, decide on the feel & personality you want from each room, then find a color scheme to match. 

Go For More Than Gold

Frames, lighting, pillows, paints, and other decorative pieces are great ways to introduce metal hues like rose gold and brushed nickel into your home. This could be just the aesthetic edge you need!  I have written quite a bit about the differences in metal hues and how to incorporate them into your space no matter your design aesthetic. It’s not about creating an entirely gilded space, su much as it’s about rethinking what it means to find exciting new ways to introduce color, texture, and over depth to your space.

Make Time For Quality Time

You should feel good about having family and friends over, so create a space perfect for entertaining with furnishings that are inviting, functional, and conversation starters. This may be your living room, a multimedia room, an outdoor space, or even your kitchen! How you choose to gather with those you love — or even for quality with yourself — it’s going to be totally personal, however, it’s important to make sure you actually carve our space to make that happen. If the events of 2020 through 2021 have taught us anything, it’s that time is an extremely precious commodity & as such, we shouldn’t spend all of it hustling & bustling or ripping & running.

Be Selfish

There. I said it. There's nothing wrong with carving out a time and space that's just for you, aka making time for quality time with yourself (see previous resolution). Home office. Reading nook. Quiet room. Whatever it is that you need, define that space as one for where you can go & recharge your batteries. As the adage goes, “you can’t pour from an empty cup” and so resolve to leave behind running yourself ragged in the name of productivity or perfection or whatever it is you’ve called it in the past. Rest is productive so literally make space for it. Using paints, rugs, and furniture, you can easily designate areas that allow you to reset however you need.

Ask For Help & Get What You Deserve

Chances are you have at least one room that could use a professional touch – and that's ok! We seek professional guidance for everything from finances to fitness, so why not our homes? Upgrade your space with inspiration from any one of my design posts or browse my Amazon shop for ideas for finishing touches. Because Albie Knows!

XO Albie Knows